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tv   News  RT  September 11, 2018 6:00am-6:27am EDT

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i i i i i i i. my house. wife and three children. i remember how i. killed including three children when terrorists. exactly seventeen years from the worst terror committed on u.s. soil we report on how washington shifting its policy toward some extremist organizations. insight into europe's immigration issues italy's outspoken interior minister talks exclusively to.
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the asia pacific business and political decision makers of east for a major economic forum as china u.s. trade sanctions threats against russia set the scene. this tuesday september the eleventh. headline stories in a moment but first let's update you on the breaking news we started to bring you about half an hour ago now a suicide bombers detonated explosives at a protest in eastern afghanistan according to local authorities the fatalities journalist joins us from the afghan capital kabul about two hundred kilometers away i believe. we're hearing now that twenty people have been killed in this blast what can you confirm for us. well today afternoon exactly just a few minutes after. a suicide bomber actually tore it in
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a group of sue williams who gathered. some problems in one go to protest against a local police commander. below. according to local office shows. that . up to up to now five people have been killed in just taken to timor. and actually in action districts often. most leave this territory is controlled by isis group and also taliban groups are also active in some other parts of deployments and districts but mostly according to the past most of the isis group getting to civil unions and this civil is gathering like communities. it's been any admission yet to from either of those groups or from any other entity as to who might have actually carried this out. well right now no group
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actually. all responsibility is at times. it is up to government transfer many. people and address the nation why the civil union groups are actually being told it again by various groups. we have known to call for several times several years gathering and. there's actually a story we're talking. it looks like we've lost the connection that to the kabul journalist. who was giving us details of the suicide bombing reported in eastern afghanistan and it's about two hundred miles to the east of kabul where this has happened not far from the border with pakistan and he said that there's been no indication yet oh no admission certainly as to who might be behind that bombing but as
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a car he was pointing out that there are two active groups in the region there's the taliban and the so-called islamic state group so they will be the chief suspects behind this particular terrorism the target was a protest against a local police chief and at the moment the number of casualties is not confirmed numbers range at the moment anything from five up to twenty and possibly beyond but numbers are conflicting at the moment as to the number of fatalities and there are certainly dozens of injured as well when we get more details on what happened in the province we'll come back to that story here on r.t. international. headline news now the focus of the syria conflict in recent days in the buildup to a final push against terrorist groups that have formed back to the province but what's out of the picture is that militants are still active beyond it lip.
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heard a roar and there was dust everywhere and i grabbed my daughter is trying to cover the world with my body the last part of our eye when told to find him and saw he was the corridor there was a pool of blood coming from his head. and several days ago landed in front of my house my mom wife and three children died i remember how i called home no one picked up. the island some people a young lady and and two teenagers also a day. of the terror groups in
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hama province are affiliates of al qaida who on this day in two thousand and one carried out the most devastating atrocity in modern american history since nine eleven washington's been engaged in a fight against terrorism through intervention around the globe but it seems that mission switched in some countries as explained. seventeen years ago in america evil had a name and that name was al qaeda the united states of america is an enemy of those who aid terrorists and of the barber criminals who profane a great religion by committing murder in its name but that was seventeen years ago in more recent days things just aren't as clear cut in syria is it live province the terrorist group known as he ought to rear al shaab previously known as al qaeda in syria is alive and kicking now the un special envoy for syria stephan de mistura says that over ten thousand al qaeda linked fighters are in the area for a long time the usa has promised that it will separate the moderate opposition from
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the designated terrorist groups but the separation just hasn't happened and at this point it seems like u.s. officials are focused on raising the alarm about the syrian government's efforts to retake rebel held territories. brought to them by a show i asked that of syria must not. a good provence in fact the trumpet ministration has already made it clear that if indeed there is a chemical attack they already know who did it if there are chemical weapons that are used we know exactly who's going to use them john bolton trumps national security advisor says that the idea that anybody but the syrian government might use chemical weapons is just crazy.
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so apparently al qaeda brought down the twin towers but they're just not evil enough to release some chlorine gas now the u.n. special envoy disagrees and says that the terrorists are very capable of conducting chemical attacks the government on one hand and. which is an organization reached by the council. already having deep would be team to produce weaponized chlorine it quickly stopped being a war about democracy let's put it that way so. there is no distinction and i think the united states news knows this it didn't matter to the united states who won so long as assad some social media to push an anti assad
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agenda we knew that syrian society was growing increasingly young and digits and that this was going to create disruptions in society that we could harness for all purposes that idea is proven to be so effective it's being used now i have an image offensive on it led by the syrian army i know my name in the poem and there's one from syria and my message delivered into that song today i think athenians oh it was just so nice to see my friends the minute they play seven and then you have hundreds of thousands of has a nice. name bisley. i thought i would have thought things out a bit into a duck or nothing if movie in theaters. me on money and cited the like me when the man did incredibly and now we even have trump warning us thought against retaking it lib despite the fact that his own government admitted there were terrorists in the area is a province just the largest al qaeda safe haven since nine eleven and it live now is a huge problem it is an al qaeda safe haven right on the border of turkey
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a recurring problem for more than half a decade has been that u.s. plans are falling flat in syria and the flaws are already appearing and the expectations of donald trump strategy as well. well even so the u.s. military claims it knows a better way to fight terror in a lib than syria and its allies do but a political science professor from damascus we spoke to is skeptical about america's course. this is looking for geopolitical targets not for combating terrorism we have heard about the war against terrorism starting from other end of september and i think after this war of against terrorism that there is it is expanding more and more we could we can see that you know this is this is or fail in this war in afghanistan on libya or in syria or in yemen saw we are in syria we we don't want there are the united states
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we are in our hands by think there isn't and we made a very huge progress in that and i think this is very serious in this point is not satisfied with these results because russia succeeded in doing the three years of work simply. a russian protest artist notorious for staging so my watering stance is found that fleeing to france to claim asylum doesn't work out according to plan after his latest piece went a bit too far. brusha
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it's sometimes difficult to be and. yes especially for one makes a political declaration out of his art that's the case of that poverty and we already know and this is just you know arrested for setting the door of the former k.g.b. building on fire. the public the price of his own actions is the loss of his freedom but. we filmmakers sponsors actors in the world of culture and citizens are outraged about the situation. an opposition illegally incarcerated in russia.
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italy. what daily life in french prison is like every day of prison guard names incarcerated and reason arrest warrant out loud the prisoner then grabs his things and matches from the so says his goodbyes his prison mates and leaves in florida for example five to ten prison guards. and slam them to the floor. twist his hand and then he was squeezing his neck. obviously the administration here is just torturing me. you know without power brokers business decision makers and asia pacific influences
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that all in blood of all stock right now in the eastern economic forum will get you up to speed on that among our stories after the break. so the next threat like china becoming
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a superpower get its act together like we did during the cold war after russia but neck. and look if we have an existential crisis coming down the path guys like trump and other entrepreneurial. leaders will mobilize the country and i want them to challenge because right now america does. play with. a low again the un human rights chief delegations to italy and austria to verify how migrants are being protected bolted increase in racist attacks in those countries. italy's decision to close its seaports denying entry to angio rescue ships had serious consequences for the most vulnerable even though we're seeing a big drop in the numbers coming from libya over the past twelve months the number
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of those who died during the crossing is high in the first six months of twenty eighteen than it was the total flow of arrivals in the e.u. has decreased overall compared to last year it's a trend that's evident in italy but it still receives a large number the drop in a rival's comes after a populist government took power in june and applied to strict migration policy or italy's interior minister is facing consequences for his hardline anti migrant policy he's now under investigation for alleged abuse of office kidnap and illegal arrest after he forced a rescue ship with one hundred fifty refugees to stay in port for five days r.t. spoke exclusively to mattel yourself any about the strains the migrant crisis has placed on europe. and there is some international missions that brought tens of thousands of my going to italy alone i think the citizens of pay my salary in order for me to control greece entering my country other european countries. close their borders and send
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back fifty thousand people and then try to lecture us on. the no no no. i don't have enemies i see things very differently from my new micron and i'm going merkel on economics immigration the future of europe islam and terrorism we've come a long way there's a historical opportunity next made to finally change the balance in europe and to change our relations with countries beyond europe as well i'm thinking of russia because i've been saying for years now that i'm in government i will work on it because sanctions against russia do not make any konami political social cultural sense. well you know. i'm not against europe i'm in favor of a year of the does few things but doesn't while leaving freedom of choice on other fronts for individual states this government has already built partnerships in the united states in russia and in china because europe's population and economic power
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who could minish more and more. unfortunately in brussels and in europe they only understand the language of money therefore they're not talking about principles values solidarity economic issues the e.u. is now discussing the budget for the next seven years seeking to get it approved who to vote who countries and we the italian government from prime minister down have already said that if there is no agreement on the other issues on banking policy policy immigration we won't vote for the budget. and next up the leaders in business change from across the asia pacific region have gathered in russia's port city of lot of all stop for the eastern economic forum on the sidelines of the event president putin and his chinese counterpart to jumping have been holding closed door talks our correspondent in blood of all stock is trying to hi again a lot of shared interest between moscow and beijing right now and the idea what the leaders covered. call hello again well
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i can tell you that the messages from the leaders. were that there was great for us. in moscow in politics security and defense an obvious the massive cooperation in business will continue something else that's very important was that apparently the two countries are looking to get out of the dollar hook at least when it comes to buy a lot troll trade and should in this case russia and china succeed in unseating the dollar as their major currency of trade then this could clearly send a signal to the other countries around the world that possibly they can do the same again as you've mentioned the leaders of asia's top heavyweights china and japan are here in florida voss stock first it was time for. the chinese prime minister to
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meet and choose a day is when the russian president. spending pretty much the entire day with. the chinese besides have the biggest delegation here. and there were many many rounds of discussions here between the two leaders for one they were joined by the business communities the wealthiest men of the two countries then there was of course a standard but in any case judging from what we've been hearing from the leaders of russia and china the countries will continue to act together pretty much as a team when it comes to all kinds of international and global issues. and of course sharing the stage tomorrow with the leaders of japan mongolia and south korea looking forward to that ok for now though. thanks for that. also in russia
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three hundred thousand soldiers and thirty six thousand military vehicles are now rumbling through the largest military drills seen in decades. right about so for now thanks for checking in with us a few news this hour kevin i was here to update you in just over half an hour. i. i.
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i. i. i. thank you. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful ready. to sit down and talk. they put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. so when you want to be president. want to. have to be right to be close it's like
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that before in the morning. can't be good that i'm interested in the lawyers in the . first suit. my body told me that i belong with the boys but my thoughts my mind with that along with the girls. dental surgery starts to be of any particular. person's doctor. i was born a male had a sex change when i was thirty years old. i've now been living as a woman for twenty eight years and i fully recall that this. problem should have gone away from it by now but they hadn't so these surgeries are nothing more than plastic surgery i've had several female to male friends and you look at it and you
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just go god you paid for that it's horrible nobody can change genders it's impossible. is still luzhin it's a mental illness. this is now one of my bone and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of my. greetings and sell you to. the decision to voluntarily join the us military or any military for that matter isn't should be a hard well thought out decision one's life family and future are quite literally at stake it's one of the biggest decision of the teenager in the united states world will ever up to make which is why i want to business decides to target that
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fateful decision just to make a buck one has to wonder every finally hit the moral rock bottom of capital. recently the federal trade commission announced the seizure of nine websites designed to look like military recruitment pages according to p.c. mag the websites which appeared to be affiliated with the us military but were in fact not ask prospective military applicants to provide personal data quoting their full name email addresses phone numbers and education history in exchange for information about joining the armed forces and despite promises not to share any of the applicants personal information sun keep publishing and fan mail dot com the two companies behind the scam wouldn't back turn around and sell the data gizmodo reports that the companies would contact the potential recruits and encourage them to enroll in specific for profit schools under the false impression that the u.s. military endorsed the organizations so if the poor kid looking to be all he can be
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sound of beliefs but interested some key would set the hook reel them in and then sell their private info to private schools for anywhere from fifteen to forty dollars a hit netting a total of eleven million dollars since two thousand and ten making big bucks off the future foot soldiers in america's military industrial complex you know you might be shocked if you weren't already watching the hawks. but you know that i got.
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to watch the world and for a while oh. goodness man this is a monstrous monstrous. yes they've got going on here it's pretty incredible how big is that. i mean it is it's wild the companies essential they bought internet ads that you know the they describe them as official recruitment sites just to suck all these kids and or any by.


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